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Es werden Posts vom Mai, 2016 angezeigt.

"Gute App" for free

12 apps to learn German have been tested now by "stiftung warentest" (which is the only independent test-institute in Germany). Result: Most apps are bad.  I am not surprised. The two "good" apps are   „Ankommen“ by Bundes­amt für Migration und Flücht­linge (BAMF) and  „Lern Deutsch - Stadt der Wörter“ by Goethe-Institut.  ("Ankommen" is designed for Arabic refugees) Both are free, so give them a try! 

Deutsch und You-Tube: smarterGerman

Compared with lots of other videos on youtube, this channel: smarterGerman gets at least a few things right: The teacher is not just a German, but he knows about teaching German to foreigners, too. So: Lots of good advice! In HD. Not a waste of your time, have a look! And share your ideas in the comments! Also, if you know of other GOOD German learning channels! smarterGerman is not a perfect channel: It sems to be mostly about grammar. He talks most of the time in English, it seems. He talks too much, really. ;)   (If I made videos, they would be the same.) Not ALL his suggestions are that good: Learning loooooong list of "meaningless" grammar-forms makes not much sense. Even with some melody. Even if sung nicely by a nice lady. ;)   6 elements are learnable like thi, but hardly 12 or 16! Good examples:  the six verb-endings in the present-tense, lernE, lernST, lernT, lernEN, lernT, lernEN die Tee-Kamel-Regel (te-ka-m-l: temporal vor kausal vor ...