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Es werden Posts vom April, 2010 angezeigt.

A Swiss website for German-learners

I just posted the link to a website for kids. Now I just discovered it is also offering special exercises for adult learners of German! Clicking on the title of this post will link you to: http://www.allgemeinbildung.ch/fach=deu/Familie_01a.htm an example of their exercises. It is about family (mother, uncle, etc.). Well done! Not all of their exercises are that helpful, but if you do not like one, just go back and choose another! http://www.allgemeinbildung.ch/fach=deu/=deu.htm#Bildwortschatz

Acht Kinder-Webseiten, auch für Deutschlerner

If you click on the title of this post, you will be linked to: http://www.heute.de/ZDFheute/inhalt/20/0,3672,8063636,00.html HEUTE is the news-program of the ZDF, the second public TV-station in Germany. Here they offer links (check the box on the right!), to eight websites dedicated to children and partly sponsored by the government, as they are considered to be of educational value. At "Lernspaß für Kinder" you can learn about German history, geography etc. http://www.lernspass-fuer-kinder.de/cms/front_content.php It offers also short films. But most of the stuff on this 8 websites is not really for beginners. Die meisten Dinge sind für Anfänger zu schwer, für A2 oder B1 Lerner aber interessant.

Deutsch für Kinder - auch für große Lerner SCHWEIZ

Im Internet gibt es auch Websites für "deutsche" Kinder. Some exercises for kids are fun for adult learners of German, too. (Or at least they may be useful.) In der Schweiz gibt es eine Seite - sponsored by playmobil? - with over 6000 exercises: http://www.allgemeinbildung.ch An example for vocabulary-training: http://www.allgemeinbildung.ch/fach=deu/ErsterWortschatz_Zuhause_01b.htm By clicking on the title of this post, you will be linked to that exercise! Often pictures do overlapp, just click on the renew/reload button.

too old for this technology ...

No idea, why my web-links INSIDE the posts do not show up ... if you wonder: try clicking on THE TITLE of the post - it will usually link you to the most relevant website for the post in question. For the last two post that would be: http://www.stepintogerman.org/index.php?catID=509&navID=509&GOTO=1 and http://www.hueber.de/deutsch-als-fremdsprache/lehrwerke/ if you know what to do (except that I should learn HTML ... ) your advice is welcome!

German IS easy - step into it ...

The Goethe Institut in California has a cool website - loads of German music and more. They also prove how easy German is (for those who already know English). Even a ZERO-Beginner should be able to understand the three German texts there at least well enough to do the tasks they come with. Try - or if your German is better: check out the music-videos! Have fun - und lern gern!

The best software for self-learners of German

The new CD-ROM for "Schritte 1 - 2" is finally available. But though I consider SCHRITTE to be maybe the best German-Course for most classes, I was a bit disappointed: The CD-ROM offers a lot of useful exercises - about 1400 items (things to click or write) I would say - and all is fine, but it is also not very interesting or motivating. I expected more creativity from HUEBER (the leading publisher). Thus the winner is still: The CD-ROM for "Themen aktuell 1" - it comes as a free gift with the course-book, and it has more exercise-items than any other CD: over 2000. As the CD is a kind of animated and interactive version of the book (which was worldwide the most successful for the last 25 years) it may even be possible to learn German just with the CD - though a teacher in addition is of course better ... I welcome any comments you have on that! You can check out this and other software at the hueber-webpage: Just be aware: The exercises for THEMEN...